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Book Reviews....


Prairies Book Review...






A tender tale of love, power of prayer, and redemption…

Odani’s latest chronicles a young couple’s journey of faith as they find their way in life with the help of prayer. Twenty-five-year-old Mulenga lost his faith after unexpected death of his father, and the fact weighs heavy on his young wife Amby who believes in the absolute power of God. As a Forest ranger, Mulenga doesn’t make much money and decides to leave for a big city for better working opportunities. The couple comes to possess everything but peace of mind. Will Amby’s prayers help them find their way in life? Odani’s prose is accessible as she explores Mulenga’s faith issues and Amby’s doubts and pain. The couple’s tale, though reads like a straightforward narration, the insights about the power of prayer and the impact of the intercessor in the story will sit well with the believers. The vivid descriptions of African life and endearing portrayal of the couple’s tender love make it a must read for the fans of Christian fiction.

Book Reviews...


Prairies Book Review

A charming fairy tale…

Odani’s short novella, the pleasant tale of Jaron, a flutter-boy born in Amir forest, who is forced to find his way back home after getting lost, achieves meaning through the many lessons Jaron learns during his adventures on Earth. The little Jaron’s flutter-parents eloped and got married, but were disowned by the King, Jaron’s grandfather. Jaron’s birth mended the broken ties. However, an evil goblin Zizwa has other plans for the little Jaron. With his voice stolen and thrown to Earth, Jaron must find his way back home and fight for his voice. Odani’s prose is simple, and her writing has both the charm and intensity of a traditional fairy tale. The simple storyline is full of explicit wisdom with Odani exploring the themes of jealousy, friendship, empathy, sharing the gift of creativity, and identity issues. The book will appeal to young and old, Christians or non-believers alike.

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